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Full Gold Crown

Full Gold Crown

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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CDI full gold crown is a type of dental crown made entirely from gold or a gold alloy. It is used to restore a tooth that is severely damaged or decayed. Here’s a closer look at its characteristics and benefits:


  1. Material: Full gold crowns are made from gold or a gold alloy, which may include other metals such as palladium or platinum. The gold content provides durability and strength.
  2. Appearance: They have a metallic color and are often used in the back teeth (molars and premolars) where they are less visible. Their gold color can be a consideration for patients who prefer a more aesthetic option for visible teeth.
  3. Durability: Gold crowns are known for their exceptional strength and wear resistance. They can withstand significant biting forces and are less likely to crack or break compared to some other materials.


  1. Strength and Durability: Gold crowns are highly durable and can last many years with proper care. They are particularly good for teeth that undergo heavy chewing pressure.
  2. Biocompatibility: Gold is well-tolerated by the body and is less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritation.
  3. Minimal Tooth Reduction: Compared to some other materials, gold crowns often require less removal of the natural tooth structure to fit properly.
  4. Wear on Opposing Teeth: Gold crowns are gentle on opposing teeth and less likely to cause excessive wear compared to more abrasive materials.

Overall, full gold crowns are a robust and reliable option for dental restoration, especially suited for molars where strength and durability are key considerations.

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