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CDI Night Guards

CDI Night Guards

Regular price $70.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $70.00 USD
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CDI Night guards, also known as nocturnal bite plates or occlusal splints, are specialized dental devices designed to alleviate symptoms and prevent damage associated with nocturnal teeth grinding and jaw clenching (bruxism). Crafted from durable, custom-fitted materials such as acrylic or soft plastics, night guards are worn during sleep to provide a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth. By absorbing the forces generated by grinding and clenching, night guards help to reduce wear on tooth enamel, prevent tooth fractures, and alleviate strain on the jaw muscles and joints. They are prescribed based on individual dental evaluations and are tailored to fit comfortably and securely over the teeth without hindering sleep quality. Night guards not only mitigate immediate discomfort and potential dental damage but also contribute to long-term oral health by promoting restorative sleep patterns and reducing associated symptoms such as headaches and jaw pain.

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